SpaceUp Finland Espoossa 6.-7.2

Tulevana viikonloppuna 6.-7.2. pidetään Otanimessä SpaceUp Finland -tapahtuma. Ohjelma on aika kattava molempina päivinä, kuten alla olevasta (englanninkielisestä) ohjelmasta näkyy.

Lauantai 6.2.

10.00 Arrival and participant enrollment
10.40 Welcome, general info, grid and T-5 instructions
11.00 Guest speaker with Q&A
Esko Valtaoja: What can the universe tell us -about itself, about us?
12.00 Session grid
 14.45 Lunch
13.30 Partner presentations
14.00 Guest speaker with Q&A
Esa Kallio, Aalto University: Science in satellites and simulations
14.30 Session grid
15.30 Break
16.00 Guest speaker with Q&A
Jaan Praks, Aalto University: Making Finland a space nation -cubesat launch with Aalto students
16.30 Session grid
17.30 End of day 1
19.00 Voluntary and informal group dinner (not part of official program)

Sunnuntai 7.2.

10.00 Welcome, coffee/tea
 10.30 Guest speaker with Q&A
Juha-Pekka Luntama, ESA: Space weather
 11.15 Session grid
 12.45 Lunch
13.30 Guest speaker with Q&A
Robert Nemlander, EntoCube: Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Production on Mars
 14.00 Session grid
 15.00 Guest speaker with Q&A
Artemis Westenberg, Explore Mars Inc: Boots on Mars
 16.00 Wrap-up, group photo
 16.15 End of event

Avaruusinsinöörikin aikoo mennä kattelee mikä on nyt nousemassa suomalaisessa “avaruusscenessä”. Ehkäpä siis tavataan SpaceUpissa.

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